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What if you were trapped in a city and couldn't find an internet connection? Would you be able to download mp3 songs for free? The answer probably depends on where you're travelling. If you're in a metropolitan area like New York, London, or Paris then the answer is obviously no. But if you're traveling through the countryside or smaller towns then there's a good chance that there will be at least one internet cafe with decent bandwidth. Even so, what typically happens when people have slow connections and want to download mp3 songs for free is that they try but can't complete their downloads before it disconnects. This is because a download always takes a certain amount of time and if you can't complete your downloads before the server disconnects, the download never gets completed. This is a big problem for businesses or people trying to use a computer as a time-consuming task. If download speed was faster, then people could complete more downloads before they disconnect. This would allow people to continue downloading while they're stuck in airports or cafes without their own internet connections. Enter Download Booster Download Booster is designed to solve this problem by making network transfers faster while allowing users to continue downloading while it's connected to the Internet cafe's connection, thus allowing them to complete their downloads even when on slow connections. Download Booster is available for free and works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems. Every modern computer comes with a web browser and you can usually use it to get to Download Booster's website. If you're using a Firefox browser you can right click the Download Booster icon and select "Options" from the context menu. You'll find three options at the bottom of the options page:1.It will enable Turbo Mode which enables you to get up to six times faster downloads than Defaults mode, making up for occasional slowdowns due to slow connections. When downloaded, simply open the file and run it in order to check your speed while connected to a network connection!2. This will enable you to get up to 20 times faster downloads than Defaults mode. This is useful for travellers who have access to a fast Internet connection for a limited time only, such as airport or airport hotel Internet connections. You can get your downloads done quickly and move on!3.This will give you maximum speeds so you can get the most out of your fast Internet connection. Use this if you have a lot of files to download and want them done in one go! The Download Booster website offers several articles on how they support their claims and what the technology behind their tools does: Download Booster calls this option "Turbo". You can read a full explanation of what Turbo mode does in their blog. Download Booster also offers a 'Defaults' mode; this is the default speed that the tool operates at. You can turn Turbo on or off from within Defaults mode by clicking the small switch below the 'Turbo' button. Help and Troubleshooting: Setting up Download Booster on your computer involves two steps: (i) downloading and installing; and (ii) configuring Download Booster after installation. Please note that we will not respond to requests for help via email or phone. If you run into any problems, please make sure to check our FAQs and our articles and guides about setting up Download Booster. cfa1e77820